
Simplifying soc 2 compliance for your business
Juan H.
0 minute read
Simplifying soc 2 compliance for your business

In a world where "the cloud" isn't just a reference to where Simba's dad lives in "The Lion King", but a critical infrastructure for many organizations, SOC 2 compliance is vital. As an increasingly preferred route, outsourcing IT compliance operations to third-party service providers like Managed Service Providers brings a host of efficiencies, experience, and cost control benefits.

However, it's important to remember that if organizational data is mishandled or fails to apply its respective security controls, businesses could become susceptible to various threats, like data breaches. This is where SOC 2 compliance steps in. It provides a report that gives detailed insights into a company's information security posture, ensuring organizations and service providers prioritize security.

What is SOC 2?

Let’s start by explaining what SOC 2 stands for, it’s an acronym for Service Organization Control 2, and it’s an auditing procedure developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) to scrutinize the manner in which service companies manage data. It is most applicable to service providers storing customer data in the cloud, such as SaaS vendors, IT-managed services, and medical billing companies.

Understanding what is SOC 2 compliance is essential for these companies as it defines criteria for managing customer data based on five "trust service principles". Meeting these criteria ensures companies are responsibly managing customer data, thereby gaining trust and credibility in the market. Having SOC 2 is like having a shield and sword, providing defense against data breaches and offenses to win over customer trust.

Importance of SOC 2 compliance

If data were money, then SOC 2 compliance would be the best vault in town. The importance of SOC 2 compliance lies in its ability to reassure stakeholders that a company's data management is robust, reliable, and resistant to security breaches. However, it's not just a one-hit wonder! Here are other hits on its chart-topping list of benefits:

  1. Trust and Credibility: SOC 2 compliance conveys to your customers and stakeholders that your organization is serious about data security and has taken the steps necessary to safeguard their sensitive information.
  2. Data Protection: With the rise in data breaches, adhering to SOC 2 ensures that your company's data protection mechanisms are robust and tested, reducing the risk of a breach and subsequent loss of customer trust.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: In some cases, being SOC 2 compliant can also help meet other regulatory requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, and more.
  4. Market Advantage: In an increasingly competitive digital market, having a SOC 2 report can set you apart from competitors and provide a unique selling proposition.
  5. Risk Management: Regular SOC 2 audits help identify potential risks and vulnerabilities, allowing your company to manage and mitigate them proactively.
SOC 2 compliance shows your commitment to data security, assuring customers and stakeholders that their sensitive information is protected.

Types of SOC 2

Now, let's venture into the world of SOC 2, where two key players reside: SOC 2 Type 1 and SOC 2 Type 2. These are not to be confused with successors or different versions, but rather, they offer distinct perspectives on a company's systems and controls.

SOC 2 Type 1

Serves as an initial stepping stone into the SOC 2 landscape. This report focuses on the design and implementation of a company's controls at a specific point in time. In other words, it's a snapshot, offering a view of how a company's systems and controls align with the Trust Service Criteria at a defined moment. The purpose here is to ascertain whether these controls are suitably designed to meet the applicable criteria. Think of it as a checkpoint on a roadmap, verifying whether the organization is on the right path toward effective data security.

SOC 2 Type 2

This type delves deeper, examining the operational effectiveness of these systems and controls over a period of at least six months. It's a longitudinal study of sorts, assessing whether the controls that were found to be suitably designed in the Type 1 report are functioning as intended consistently over time. So, if Type 1 is a snapshot, Type 2 is a time-lapse video, demonstrating not just the design but the continued efficacy of the controls in place. This lends more credibility and assurance to stakeholders that the company is committed to maintaining robust data security practices.

II. Understanding the requirements of SOC 2 compliance

Navigating the labyrinth of SOC 2 compliance may feel like trying to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded. However, don't let the complexity intimidate you. Achieving SOC 2 compliance simply involves understanding and meeting specific requirements that align with the five trust service principles.

The Five Trust Service Principles

The SOC 2 report is based on five Trust Service Principles, kind of like the Five Pillars of SOC 2. These principles form the foundation of how an organization should manage and secure its data. Now, let's dive into what each one of these pillars signifies.


The Five Trust Service Principles in SOC 2, Security

Security is like the bouncer at the entrance of your data club. It prevents unauthorized access, ensuring that only the approved members (read: data) get in. It's all about putting up the right barriers and checks to keep out any unwanted intruders.


The Five Trust Service Principles in SOC 2, Availability

Availability ensures that your data club is open for business when it should be. This principle focuses on system uptime, ensuring that data is accessible and systems are operational as agreed because a closed data club is as good as no club at all!

Processing Integrity

The Five Trust Service Principles in SOC 2, Processing Integrity

Processing Integrity is like the DJ of your data club, making sure everything plays out correctly and in the right order. It assures that system processing during a specific time-frame and remains accurate. Just like a DJ wouldn’t play a party anthem in the middle of a slow dance, the system ensures data is processed in the right manner.


The Five Trust Service Principles in SOC 2, Confindentiality

Confidentiality ensures that your data club conversations remain within the club. It pertains to the protection of sensitive information, ensuring that only those privy to the details can access them. Just as you don’t want your secret salsa recipe getting out, this principle safeguards your valuable info.


The Five Trust Service Principles in SOC 2, Privacy

Privacy is the principle that ensures personal data is collected, stored, used, and disclosed in line with established privacy policies and regulations. It's the one that whispers, "We respect your personal data, and we've got the controls to prove it." It’s like the data club’s promise that what happens in the club, stays in the club!

What is a SOC 2 report and why is it important?

A SOC 2 report, also known as a SOC 2 compliance attestation, is like a school report card for your data handling practices - it tells you how well you're performing in the vital areas of security, availability, integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. It's crucial because, let's face it, in our data-driven lives, no one wants to entrust their precious information to a messy student. The SOC 2 report gives reassurance to your customers, stakeholders, and partners that you've done your homework and your organization is up to snuff in handling data securely and responsibly.

The role of regular auditing in SOC 2 compliance

Within the SOC 2 framework, regular auditing plays a significant role. Audits act as your unwavering guardians, vigilantly monitoring the effectiveness of your control mechanisms over time. They represent an essential feedback loop, highlighting any potential gaps or vulnerabilities.

Moreover, regular audits provide a structured path to maintaining SOC 2 compliance. These inspections continually assess your security position, ensuring a robust, resilient defense against emerging security threats. Think of them as your trusty security compass, consistently pointing towards compliance.

Preparing for a SOC 2 audit can be an intricate process, but with thorough preparation and understanding, an organization can navigate it smoothly. Here's how:

  1. Understand the SOC 2 Requirements: Familiarize yourself with the Five Trust Service Criteria, which include security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. It's crucial to have a deep understanding of each principle as they form the foundation of SOC 2 compliance.
  2. Define the Scope of the Audit: Identify the systems, processes, and data that will be under the audit. It's essential to ensure that all elements that interact with your customer's data are included in this scope.
  3. Assign a Responsible Team: Assemble a team that will be responsible for SOC 2 compliance. This team should include a Sponsor, who will lead the project, Team Leaders from all involved areas, and an Author who will translate information from the team leaders into policies.
  4. Regularly Review and Update Policies: Keep your company's security policies up-to-date and ensure they align with the Trust Services Principles. Regularly updating these policies guarantees that they reflect the latest practices and regulations.
  5. Implement Control Mechanisms: Based on your defined scope and understanding of SOC 2 requirements, implement the necessary controls to protect your customer's data. These mechanisms should be able to prevent, detect, and respond to security incidents.
  6. Perform Regular Internal Audits: Before the actual SOC 2 audit, perform regular internal audits to monitor the effectiveness of your control mechanisms. These internal audits act as a feedback loop, allowing you to identify and address any gaps or vulnerabilities.
  7. Resolve Identified Gaps: After the internal audits, any identified gaps or vulnerabilities should be promptly addressed. Implement tools and procedures to resolve these issues, and ensure the measures are effective.
  8. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: Maintain a robust and resilient defense against security threats by continuously monitoring your systems. Regular audits serve as your security compass, consistently pointing toward compliance, and ensuring that your security position is always up-to-date and effective.
  9. Choose an External Auditor: After implementing and testing your control mechanisms, select an external auditor for the SOC 2 audit. They will provide an unbiased evaluation of your compliance, further strengthening your security stance.
  10. Educate the Organization: Ensure that everyone in the organization understands the importance of SOC 2 compliance and their role in maintaining it. Regular training and updates can keep the team informed about the latest best practices and changes in regulations.
Choose an external auditor for the SOC 2 audit to reinforce your security measures through an unbiased evaluation.

Common challenges in achieving SOC 2 compliance

Achieving SOC 2 compliance is a key goal for many organizations, yet it often presents a number of challenges. These hurdles vary in nature, but all demand careful attention and strategic planning. Here are some of the common obstacles organizations typically encounter on their path toward SOC 2 compliance:

  1. Costs: The financial investment needed for SOC 2 compliance can be substantial. From implementing security controls and software to hiring professionals for internal audits and external assessments, costs can quickly add up. Managing these expenses effectively is one of the first challenges businesses often face.
  2. Understanding the Scope: Determining which Trust Services Criteria apply to an organization's operation, and identifying the relevant systems, processes, and data that need to be audited can be a complex task. Grasping the scope and knowing where to start is a hurdle many businesses grapple with.
  3. Implementing Effective Controls: Once the scope is clear, creating and integrating necessary control mechanisms is a significant challenge. These controls need to be thorough and robust, capable of not only preventing but also swiftly detecting and responding to security incidents.
  4. Keeping Policies Up-to-date: Staying abreast of changing regulations and ensuring that company policies reflect the latest best practices is a dynamic and ongoing task. A lapse here can leave an organization vulnerable and non-compliant.
  5. Regular Internal Auditing: Regular internal audits are crucial in ensuring the control mechanisms remain effective over time. However, conducting these audits requires dedicated resources and expertise, presenting another challenging facet of SOC 2 compliance.
  6. Addressing Identified Gaps: Whenever audits reveal gaps or vulnerabilities, these must be promptly addressed. Developing tools and procedures to resolve these issues is often easier said than done and can pose a significant challenge.
  7. Educating the Team: Ensuring the whole team understands the importance of SOC 2 compliance, and their role in it, is essential. Yet, developing a culture of compliance and achieving company-wide buy-in often requires substantial time and effort.

How Prey helps you to support SOC 2 compliance

Let's dip our toes into the magical world of Mobile Device Management (MDM), where applications like Prey play a starring role in aiding SOC 2 compliance. These tools not only keep your devices under constant vigilance but also make SOC 2 compliance as smooth as a well-groomed mustache.

Prey is a device security software, akin to a Swiss Army knife, that offers a diverse range of features catering to various facets of device security, thereby reinforcing SOC 2 compliance. Its standout features include geolocation tracking, device locking, data protection, and remote wipe capabilities. Think of it as Batman’s Alfred of MDMs, remotely taking care of your devices, keeping an eye on where they are, and remotely wiping them in case they go missing.

Here are a few of the useful capabilities of Prey that can help you achieve SOC 2 compliance:

  1. Device Locking: Acting as a preventative measure, Prey can remotely lock devices, effectively blocking unauthorized access.
  2. Geolocation Tracking: The app lets you track your devices' geographical locations, so you'll always know where your Batmobile is parked.
  3. Remote Wipe: Should your device fall into the wrong hands, Prey can wipe sensitive data clean off the device from a distance, leaving no trails behind.
  4. Privacy Management: It provides privacy management options to protect personal information, adhering to privacy rules and regulations.

Prey and the 5 SOC principles

As we venture into the realm of the SOC 2 principles, we'll see how Prey embodies these principles and assists organizations in fulfilling them.

  1. Security: Prey provides robust security measures, such as device locking and geolocation tracking. It acts as a continuous guardian of your data assets, reducing potential vulnerabilities and risks, and hence, upholding the principle of security.
  2. Availability: With its Remote File Retrieval Action, you can retrieve a file with a size of up to 25MB from a device. While it’s no cloud backup and it offers a very limited file-size for retrieval, it can serve to grab important files from a lost or misplaced device.
  3. Processing Integrity: While Prey can’t prevent users from doing unauthorized modifications to devices, it can log when a computer has suffered a hardware modification. This way, any device that has been modified can be identified and inspected to ensure its integrity.
  4. Confidentiality: Upholding the principle of confidentiality is of paramount importance. The app's remote wipe capabilities ensure that in the event of a security incident, confidential data can be securely erased to prevent unauthorized access.
  5. Privacy: Prey can automate certain actions based on specific rules and behaviors, such as geo-location or device behaviors. Admins can receive alerts from changes on pre-set conditions, like geofences, and remotely lock, wipe or encrypt devices in conformity with an organization’s privacy notice and principles outlined in the SOC 2 criteria.

Overall benefits of using Prey for SOC 2 compliance

Prey can turn the task of achieving SOC 2 compliance from a daunting journey into a pleasant jaunt in the park. They do this by providing:

  • Enhanced Security: Prey can offer heightened data security by managing who has access to sensitive data by managing the devices that have access to said data. Unauthorized of a device access can be locked out remotely, and its data wiped if the device can’t be recovered.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Prey can provide real-time monitoring. Using its panel, admins can take a look at who’s where and when, who has done hardware changes to their computers and when, and if a device goes missing, they can take a look at their screens and their cameras to help in recovering efforts.
  • Improved efficiency in on-boarding and off-boarding processes: Due to its remote wipe capabilities, any organization can use Prey to remotely wipe the loaned device of a previous employee, erasing any private data left behind and leaving the device ready to be used by another employee.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Prey can help organizations adhere to regulatory standards like SOC 2 by providing features geared towards achieving these standards.
  • Reduced Costs: By providing remote management of devices, Prey reduce the need for on-site IT support and ease the implementation of BYOD policies, translating to reduced operational and equipment costs.

Final Thoughts on the Importance of SOC 2 Compliance

Achieving SOC 2 compliance is a non-negotiable requirement in today's data-driven world. It's a rigorous process that necessitates a deep commitment to protecting data and ensuring its integrity, availability, and confidentiality. Tools like Prey are instrumental in this endeavor, simplifying the process and providing an efficient route to compliance.

Prey, much like a trusted advisor, eases the SOC 2 compliance journey by offering robust features and a streamlined interface. It underscores the importance of SOC 2 compliance while showcasing how technology can alleviate the complexity of the process. It is therefore vital to leverage such advanced tools to meet SOC 2 requirements and ensure that your organization's data security is not just a promise, but a guarantee. The task may be challenging, but with the right tools and commitment, it's a goal within your reach.


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